
Please click the link below; if you want to sign up for alerts from Robertson County

Robertson County Genasys

  • Tax Assessor/Collector - 979-828-3337
    Constables Office - 979-828-2122
    County Auditor - 979-828-3474
    County Clerk - 979-828-4130
    County Judge - 979-828-3542
    County Treasurer - 979-828-3201
    District Attorney - 979-828-3205
    District Clerk - 979-828-3636
    District Judge 979-828-4656
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 - 979-364-2750
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 - 979-279-2301
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 - 979-828-3929
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 - 254-746-7836
    Sheriff's Office - 979-828-3299

Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
Robertson County Courthouse

Robertson County Courthouse
Franklin, Texas

Order Authorizing San Jacinto Day Fireworks Sales

Click on Robertson County in the link below, and it will show you the drought index for our county.  
